Facts about deodorant

Body to sweat for health reasons. Surprisingly, many people wear deodorant to prevent perspiration from the body. Check out a variety of unique facts about deodorant as reported by the Huffington Post, here.

Anti-body odor not a new thing.
Since ancient times, it was the ancient Egyptian society has been creating fragrances in order to prevent unpleasant scent of the body spreads to the other. While the deodorant was first patented in 1888.

Deodorant kills bacteria.
Sweat does not always
cause the smell. Sometimes even sweat does not smell at all. Actually, the bacteria that make sweat so smelly. So when using deodorant, anti-bacterial in it to stop the smell unpleasant aroma even before it appears.

Deodorant does not stop the sweating process.
Although the ads often mention deodorant products can decrease sweat production to 100 percent . But as strong as any of these products , deodorants actually only able to reduce sweat production to 20 percent.

The body can adapt.
Instead, every six months , change the brand of deodorant used . Because the body was able to adapt to the eventual immune deodorant and make still produced excessive sweating .

Deodorants for men and women alike.
In advertising , most deodorants aimed at women . Indeed, women have more sweat glands , but the production of male sweat even more abundant . Even so , deodorant is not affected by it.

Not everyone needs deodorant.
Deodorant can be regarded as a successful product make people believe that they smell. But not everyone has body odor or excessive sweat production, so not everyone needs it.

Where does the yellow stains on clothes?.
A theory is that the deodorant material that reacts with sweat or skin or clothes or detergent is the cause yellow stains on clothes. However, no studies to prove it.

Want to build your own deodorant.
Actually, people can make their own without having to buy deodorant. All natural ingredients can be obtained and formulated his own. Unfortunately not many people are willing to do it.
Those are some unique facts about deodorant. Are you also one of those users deodorant?


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